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We are a team of

J Yim


Brian Donohugh


Vivian Nguyen

Vice President

Amogh Chaturvedi

Financial Officer

Allan Guo

Financial Officer


Tech Director

Mafer Velásquez

Summit Co-Director

Ghalyah Alhendi

Summit Co-Director

Katie Cheng

VC3 Co-Director

Eyrin Kim

VC3 Co-Director

Matthew Han

Engagement Co-Director

Gabriel Nagel

Engagement Co-Director

Dario Soatto

Breakthrough Co-Director

Brian Ni

Breakthrough Co-Director

Lawrence Liu

Bootcamp Co-Director

Arya Gupta

Launchpad Co-Director

Karen Vo

Launchpad Co-Director

Neva Hidajat

Launchpad Co-Director

Sanjay Kasi

Alumni Co-Director

Charles Legaspi

Alumni Co-Director

Grace Park

Community Co-Director

Justin Leong

Community Co-Director

Tesvara Jiang

Marketing Co-Director

Dawen Cheng

Marketing Co-Director

Ziyad Broker

Chapter Relations Co-Director

Komal Vij

Chapter Relations Co-Director

J Yim


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